Cara Memasang Auto Readmore Versi Baru

Untuk anda para blogger mungkin sudah tak asing lagi dengan tulisan Readmore, selengkapnya dan sejenisnya yang ada pada postingan. kali ini saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana caranya membuat Readmore versi terbaru pada postingan. Readmore versi terbaru kali ini memang agak berbeda dengan Readmore versi terdahulu.

Cara Memasang Shoutbox Di Blogger

Apa sih Shoutbox itu ? Shoutbox adalah sebuah widget yang mempunyai fungsi yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan chatting, dimana semua pengunjung ataupun pemilik blog itu sendiri.bisa saling mengirimkan pesan-pesan singkat seperti perkenalan, pemberitahuan dan lain sebagainya. Bila kita melihat blog ataupun website yang sudah memasang shoutbox, biasanya shoutbox ini terletak pada halaman depan blog ataupun website tersebut.

Cara Memasang Widget Mp3 Player pada Blog

Widget Mp3 Player ini mungkin akan sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi anda yang gemar mendengarkan musik. khususnya bagi para blogger mania yang pecinta musik. mungkin orang- orang sudah terbiasa mendengarkan musik melalui radio, Hp, tape dan lain sebagainya. sekarang bagaimana bila kita mendengarkan musik tersebut melalui blog kita sendiri, bisa jadi juga dengan adanya widget mp3 player pada blog anda ini.

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3 Critical Network Marketing Strategies All Heavy Hitters Use

3 Critical Network Marketing Strategies All Heavy Hitters Use

Anyone who has been in our industry long enough realizes there are 3 critical network marketing strategies all heavy hitters use. They rely heavily on their experience and the contacts they have made. When it's time to recruit outside their circle of influence they are smart and target active network marketers. Heavy hitters more times than not will use their own recruiting system they are most comfortable with or some will actually use the mlm funded proposals you find on the internet.

The most important network marketing strategy is to leverage yourself. That is where a system that will locate, educate, sell and sponsor is so critical. As you know it takes a lot of time to contact, follow up, close the sale, etc. and who has that kind of time? The people in our industry who have that kind of time are networkers who don't have very many prospects funnelling through their system.

And that is where we need to learn from our friends over on the affiliate side of things. They are good at swamping their inboxes with tons of prospects and then they use their systems to educate them while building a personal relationship.

Let's take a close look at the 3 critical network marketing strategies heavy hitters use:

1. Prospect Funneling System
2. Prospect Education and Nurturing System
3. Prospect Training System that TEACHES how to Implement Steps 1 & 2.

Prospect Funneling System

This could also be called a network marketing lead generation system. Using a lead capture page (some call this a squeeze page or landing page) you will offer something of value or a FREE report. I've seen a lot of systems using free video offers in replace of pdf reports and that works fine. Your goal is to get that prospect to trade their contact information for your offer. Once that prospect opt's into your system then they are moved over to step 2.

So the next question is: "where on earth can I find these kinds of people"? Right?

Or are you thinking where can I go to advertise this business?

Most network marketers offer their new recruits a training program they can plug into quickly. I know the funded proposal programs have an extensive training area that really does offer some of the best training I've seen. Using video's, pdf's, etc. they have extensive articles, pre-written emails, keywords to use in PPC campaigns and more.

The new social networking sites have been a boom for network marketers who have learned how to use it. But don't forget all the offline avenues you can use to help you promote your business, they still work.
Prospect Education and Nurturing System

The system you use or create will have a pre-determined number of follow up messages. If you are using someone else's system then you do not have a way to nuture your list because you don't have control. If that is the case it is highly recommended that you use your own follow up system to help you nuture your list. This also works well to educate your prospects on what to expect from each message the system will send them. It works well, builds trust and opens the lines of communication.

Depending on your system, you will either sit back and let prospects chase you down or you become aggressive and contact them. In either case you will need close prospects in order for your business to grow. My recommendation in this area is to share your experience and use a lot of testimonials to help your prospect make a good business decision. Don't ever forget that your prospect is asking themselves if they can "do it". If they see themselves able to do what you are doing then it's a no brainer.

During this stage focus on emotions, hurts and desires. Find out as quickly as possible what motivates your prospect and then continue to push those buttons in all your commuications.

Prospect Training System that TEACHES how to Implement Steps 1 & 2

Most team leaders have a cookie cutter system that creates a new page instantly. Get your new member to set up their system quickly so they can start advertising it on their personal pages at all the social networking sites. As you know, duplication is critical in the network marketing industry. The sooner you can get a new recruit into the trenches of advertising, follow up and sponsoring, the sooner your business can grow.

I mentioned ealier the mlm funded proposal sites have a great training area a new member can learn from instantly. Encourage your new recruits to spend as much time studying as they do getting their sites out on the net. If nobody sees your page, they you'll never have prospects in your system. As a sponsor you should have at least 3 areas you can direct your new member to visit.  

Be available to answer all your new members questions and ready to guide them down the same road you traveled. All heavy hitters had a mentor and now it's your turn to become a mentor. Nothing breeds success as quickly as helping your new recruit sponsor a new member within their first week.

By following these strategies not only will you create a duplicatable system you also position yourself as a leader. Everyone who enters this industry needs a mentor and mentors all have one thing in common: "They are LEADERS". Not it's your turn.


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