Cara Memasang Auto Readmore Versi Baru

Untuk anda para blogger mungkin sudah tak asing lagi dengan tulisan Readmore, selengkapnya dan sejenisnya yang ada pada postingan. kali ini saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana caranya membuat Readmore versi terbaru pada postingan. Readmore versi terbaru kali ini memang agak berbeda dengan Readmore versi terdahulu.

Cara Memasang Shoutbox Di Blogger

Apa sih Shoutbox itu ? Shoutbox adalah sebuah widget yang mempunyai fungsi yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan chatting, dimana semua pengunjung ataupun pemilik blog itu sendiri.bisa saling mengirimkan pesan-pesan singkat seperti perkenalan, pemberitahuan dan lain sebagainya. Bila kita melihat blog ataupun website yang sudah memasang shoutbox, biasanya shoutbox ini terletak pada halaman depan blog ataupun website tersebut.

Cara Memasang Widget Mp3 Player pada Blog

Widget Mp3 Player ini mungkin akan sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi anda yang gemar mendengarkan musik. khususnya bagi para blogger mania yang pecinta musik. mungkin orang- orang sudah terbiasa mendengarkan musik melalui radio, Hp, tape dan lain sebagainya. sekarang bagaimana bila kita mendengarkan musik tersebut melalui blog kita sendiri, bisa jadi juga dengan adanya widget mp3 player pada blog anda ini.

Template 3D Dengan Slide Show Ala Zigmag Primuz

Template ini hampir sama dengan template Transformers yang sebelumnya saya buat. tapi yang membedakan template ini adalah dengan adanya Slide show bergaya Zigmag Primuz, dimana kita bisa menampilkan sebagian postingan kita atau biasa disebut Post summary kedalam tampilan slide show tersebut. selain itu kita bisa menampilkan gambar yang ada dalam postingan kita.

What is Affiliate Marketing and How Can You Make Money With It?

What is Affiliate Marketing and How Can You Make Money With It?

For any business to become successful, it would first need to let the people or its potential market know that they exist. This is done through proper marketing campaign and advertising schemes. With that in mind, the internet provides a huge opportunity to do just that through internet marketing. Today, one of the most famous internet based marketing tactics employed by businesses is known as Affiliate Marketing.

Other people can earn through this type of marketing as they are rewarded by the business based on the number of people they bring to the business's website. In other words, the affiliate marketer earns when he or she is able to generate enough interest in people to visit the client's website.

With that, it can be said that Affiliate Marketing is a commission based advertising tool for the internet. This is also known as performance marketing since the cost is based on how well the marketer is able to increase the traffic of the client website. With low cost and high possible outcome, this style of marketing was given credit for the emergence of e-commerce or the boom of internet businesses.

There are several methods done in Affiliate Marketing such as Cost Per Sale, Cost Per Action and Pay Per Click. CPS is based on the actual sales generated by the affiliate marketer. Simply put, the marketer earns on a commission basis when the business is able to sell. PPC on the other hand doesn't require sale, the business pays the marketer every time a link of the marketer is clicked. CPA on the other hand relies on both click and sale of the product.


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